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Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Last Chances

Tonight I watched a film that really made me stop and think about my life and where it is going.  It was about a woman dying of cancer and her two estranged kids.   In her last few days, she made simple cards from construction paper and pine cones with one simple wish for each one of them.  One of her wishes was for her daughter to "sing" and her son to "try".  It seems to me that in living life we forget to live.  We work so hard for things that we will never live long enough to enjoy.  Instead of taking a few minutes to take in the beauty of the world, we choose to adhere to imagined restraints.  We fail to notice, in the short time we exist, that there is more to life than stuff and exists everywhere...if you take a minute to look at it...I have been carrying around my old life like a book that I finished reading 2 years ago.  As long as I keep that book in my hand, I cannot pick up a new one...letting go of a loved one is a very tough thing to do at any time...but to hold on to that dead person and fail to live is a travesty...Soon I will begin a new chapter in the life of Christopher...I am putting down the book that is finished and moving on to my future...whatever it may be...I know that mom would be proud of the man that I am and she will be there urging me on...showing me all the beauty in the world...Love always wins...even if it hurts...

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