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Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas??

I keep seeing this all over the net...every year the same thing...well I take offense.  Why?  Because I am not Christian...and I believe in equality for all...not that I disrespect your God or your beliefs, quite the opposite...I say happy holidays because I believe you have the right to believe what you choose.  I will never force my goddess or god or faith on anyone...saying Merry Christmas to me is the equivalent of saying you MUST believe in my version of the holiday Christmas and no other...truth is that there are many different holidays from thanksgiving to Christmas...for some it is Kwanzaa, Hannakuh, or in my case, Yule.  They are all equally important to the people that believe...I will never exclude your holiday because I don't believe...if you say to me Merry Christmas, I will respond Happy Holidays though I don't celebrate "Christmas", because I validate all religions and their belief structure...people are letting things go out of control with Christianity...the Christmas that most folks celebrate bears no resemblance whatsoever with the actual event.  Christmas is actually a pagan festival celebrating the end of the dark and renewal of the bringing in a fir tree, we celebrate life renewal and the coming of the light as well as the end of the dark season...the evergreen is a symbol that life will begin anew...days start to get longer and though the cold intensifies, it is a reminder that warmth will return...Gift swapping is actually way out of proportion as used to be a token symbol that reminds the person receiving the gift, that I think of you and recognize that thought with a simple gift...this year and all years hence will be celebrated by me with the bringing in of a fir branch, burning it in the fireplace with my Yule log as a symbol that I recognize the coming warmth and I will pass to those I care about a simple, probably home made gift that says, I love you and think of you in this renewing of life...may you prosper in the coming light...

That being said, please take no offense at me saying Happy Holidays, because I do care about what you believe and I cherish that right...but I also demand that same respect...

To all that give a damn, Happy Holidays...all of them...

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Stop Wasting Taxpayer Money

I am sick of the GOP wasting taxpayer money to sue, impeach, or repeal Obama.  The simple truth is that Mr. Obama has done more for the minorities (Gays, Blacks, All Manner of Aliens) than any other president.  By passing "Obamacare", he has made sure that millions of people that would have never qualified for health insurance due to pre-existing conditions, can get an affordable health insurance.  By standing up to Congress (read that as Teabagging Republicans), he has eased the fear of 4 million individuals that they would be deported leaving their children (American Citizens) to the welfare and foster care systems by allowing them to apply for work cards and SS numbers so that they could stay here, pay their taxes and keep their children at home, where they belong.  The Repubs, again, are threatening to sue or impeach our president for doing the right thing by saving money on deportation (of aliens in the country for more than 10 years), welfare/foster care costs, and increasing the coffers with 4 million new tax paying individuals.  How can they even justify the thought of suing the President (which I believe they cannot until he is out of office) or wasting millions of American Taxpayer money to impeach him?  Every President, both Democrat and Republican, have exercised their Executive Order Privilege while in office, and yet, none of them were sued or impeached (Except President Clinton, who ironically had the highest favorability rating of any...ANY President in the history of America, and still enjoys a very high popularity).  How can they sit in their offices, saying "no" to any Democratic Party Initiative that would benefit the people for which they were elected to represent?  Incidentally, has anyone noticed the makeup of the Congress??  A majority of middle-aged white one state where the population is made up of a majority of middle-aged white men (other than Washington, D.C.). 

I have a solution for Congress (Dems and Repubs).

1.  Drop their retirement fund into the national coffers and make them all pay into the same Social Security  system as the rest of us do.
2.  Lose their lifetime health insurance and put them in the same healthcare system as the rest of us.
3.  Pay them a small stipend ONLY while they are in Washington performing their elected duty, otherwise, they work a regular job like the rest of us.
4.  Set term limits of 8 years, just like the President.  Congress was never meant to be a full time occupation, but a civic duty.
5.  When they are done in Congress, they no longer get paid as Congress-persons. additionally, the President/V. President also would receive no pay after their presidencies are completed though they would still have Secret Service protection for 20 years.  Any information they might have had would be obsolete in that time.
6.  Guarantee a college education to anyone (citizens/tax payers) that wants one-FREE

The result of these actions would kill the deficit, fix Social Security, fix healthcare, make Congress functional again, make Congress actually mirror their constituencies (demographically) and make the USA a strong fighting economy again.  We cannot afford to continue like we are.  The rich are getting richer, the poor, poorer and the middle class is all but gone.  Young people today are saddled with hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt from schooling.  That doesn't make sense.  The situation is that there are not enough high paying jobs to allow college grads to pay their debt, which puts them into default.  Their defaulting only adds to the deficit and creates more national debt and hinders the economic growth by limiting spending. 

We cannot continue to expect our economy to recover with Congress doing nothing but fighting the President and wasting taxpayer money.  We cannot continue to expect our college graduates to pay their debt and grow the economy by spending.  We cannot expect our Social Security system or Health Care system to be overhauled while the Congress has no stake in it being fixed.