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Saturday, October 26, 2013

Temporal Dissonance and Me

I have recently discovered a new term that describes the way I feel.  That term is temporal dissonance.  There are hundreds of pages out there describing what the acceptable meaning is and indeed it fits me as well, though my use of the term is different.  The accepted definition of temporal dissonance is a complex mish-mash of things like being a second shifter working in a first shift world.  My definition is quite different.  I feel sometimes that either I was born too early or I was born too late.  I am not speaking of time as in o’clock time, but rather time as in decade or century.  You see, I am a true hybrid person.  I remember the time before cable, satellite, and internet quite well, and at the same time am a technocrat.  I would be just as comfortable in a time where modern conveniences and technology did not exist as we know it as I would be in the Star Trek universe where knowledge is the main focus of life and the pursuit of the dollar is not. 

Please do not mistake me.  I am ok where I am (as if I have a choice in the matter anyway), but would feel more comfortable either one way or the other.  I enjoy reading a book, writing a poem, or creating a new idea or concept.  Today is not about that.  Today is about accumulating as much stuff and money as you can, as fast as you can in order to die comfortably worn out.  Society has developed into a race against the Joneses in who can have the bigger house, nicer car, and more affluent family.  Gone is the time when a neighbor would check on you to see if you are ok or if you need anything.  Gone are the days when a community would pull together to help the neighbor down the road build a barn to house the horses or dig a well so that Mrs. Whoever does not have to tote it from the river.  I think that people were nicer back then…more concerned for the welfare of their fellow man. 

The only incongruency I can think of is the misogynistic bigotry that existed in that time.  I truly believe that gay is normal and that skin color is only a characteristic like blue or green eyes.  In that sense, the Star Trek world is nearly perfect.  I fear that for us to get there, we will have to have a major disaster that will render the world dependant on each other to survive.  Humanity is adaptable and will eventually get there, though I fear I will be too old to appreciate it.  That is the crux of the issue.  I would love to live in a world where the only requirement to be with the one you love is to declare it.  The world is getting there in that respect (all except the Arab world—I doubt they will ever accept homosexuality or mixing of the races). 

Temporal dissonance for me is a minimal problem that will in time become moot.  I will endure in my half in the past, half in the future attitude and continue to embrace the creativity and energy of the past and the technological breakthroughs of the future.  I choose to not embrace the rat race and will not engage myself in the pursuit of luxury for luxury sake.  I choose instead to write and be creatively engaged in my evolution.  I am who I am and can be nobody else.  I will not try to be who I am not. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

What do I want???

Tonight I found myself sitting here in front of my computer, thinking about what I really want in my life.  The scary thing?  I have not a clue what it is that I really want.  I can think of a million things that i might like to have or do, but nothing that I really, really want.  So how do I overcome this?  I could list some things that I think I might want, perhaps that will lead me to my desire. 

I would like to have a boyfriend, but do I really want it?  I don't know.  Having a boyfriend means I lose my freedom to roam the country.  I would have to settle down somewhere.  Which reminds me,  I would like to move out of Maine.  But, moving would mean I have to pack up everything...again...and carry it to the next place that I will complain about.  No matter where it is I want to go I will still have that particular obstacle to overcome.  Even if I did manage to find a great guy that I want to spend the rest of my life with, will I let go enough to make it real?  I don't know.  I am not sure I have that capacity anymore.  Things have happened in my life to make me wary of giving way to emotion.  I mean logically, I do want that, but not sure if I do emotionally.  There really is no way for me to say for sure what I want or what I can do until the situation presents itself.  Am I ready to handle that kind of commitment?  Truth is I really do not know. At any rate, I think that I need to get myself together first.  Then I will see what I want at that time. 

Until then, I will keep on doing what I do and being who I am. 

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Mental Illness: I Am vs. I Have

There is a stigma growing in this country.  Many people mistakenly associate mental illness only with things like schizophrenia, insanity, and the like.  The truth is, there are way more illnesses than that.  In fact there is a whole spectrum of illnesses that affect mental states.  Here is a link ( that touches on the frequency and saturation of mental illness in the United States.  One would no more say "I am cancer" or "I am diabetes", though people insist on saying "I am depressed".  Though I may be depressed at times, I am not depression.  I do however have depression (and a couple other things too).  Depression is a mental illness and not a state of being. It is important to understand the distinction.   One cannot be a disease, though one can have many.  Many people do not understand how a mental illness can be damaging or how it can erode over time.  An example I like to use is a river.  A river can be peaceful and calming; though over time can carve very large canyons out of solid rock.  That is sort of how depression works.  In the beginning, there are small episodes that are easily overcome-like water over rocks.  Over time, those episodes become deeper and harder to get out of-think white water rapids.  As in my case, a particular event might trigger the deepest and darkest depression that is just insurmountable-this is the grand canyon or a giant waterfall.  That is not to say that I will not ever come out of it, but rather that I cannot do it alone.  Many folks at some point in their lives will take an anti-depressant like Zoloft for a short time and never need it again. Then again, some will never be able to live without one. 

Depression is a silent killer.  Why?  Because we do not talk about it.  Suicide is a common result of mental illness.  All persons that commit suicide have depression or some other mental disorder.  There is a large amount of negativity associated with mental disorders.  The news tell us about how this kid was depressed enough to shoot a bunch of kids (Columbine and Newtown) at a school, or how this kid or that kid committed suicide.  The common thread?  They all had mental disorders that were never addressed.  It is important for people to recognize that all people that have a mental disorder are not violent though, in fact many famous people had a mental disorder-Abraham Lincoln, Virginia Woolf, Lionel Aldridge, Ludwig van Beethoven, Leo Tolstoy, John Keats, Vincent Van Gogh, Isaac Newton, Ernest Hemingway to name a few (  Where would we be without these people?  The truth is that many people with mental illnesses can function and lead productive lives, though the few that cannot, are in the news almost weekly reinforcing the negativity associated with mental disorders.  The answer to this problem is to recognize the symptoms and signs of mental illness.

Here are a couple of links that might help:

According to the link ( at the National Institute for Mental Health (NIMH), 1 in 4 (roughly 26%) of people have a diagnosable mental illness though only 6% are diagnosed with a serious mental disorder.  Take a close look at your friends.  If you have more than 4 close friends, you can be sure that one of them has a mental illness, whether it has been diagnosed or not. 

Friday, August 23, 2013

Missing people...

There are days when I miss people in my past more than anything.  Sometimes it makes life hard to live knowing that they have gotten past it and I have not.  This morning I am sitting in my kitchen listening to music and that song comes know the one...the one that has imprinted on my mind that one person that I cannot seem to get over.  I sit and reminisce and wax melancholy... wallowing in my depression over choices made that can never be unmade.  What might have happened will never be known to me...and it hurts.  It feels like sometimes people walk into my life to bitchslap me to remind me that I am human and not a machine...feelings come with the package.  Then I fall into an isolationist frame of mind.  Wanting to hide from the world and pretend that the emotions do not bother me, when underneath that still calm exterior, rages a maelstrom of emotion that is no where near as composed as I look.  I pretend that I am ok when I am not.  I pretend that I do not care when I really do care.  I feel like I am losing myself to this darkness.  The feelings are so close to the surface, but I cannot allow myself to let go and feel them. 

Funny how one thing can create a hole in my soul so deep that I cannot see the way out. 

Monday, May 6, 2013

Freedoms?? I think not!

As I sit in my bed reading the news this morning, I am confronted with a sad truth.  It seems that despite progress made since 1964 (Equal Rights Amendment of 1964) we are as bigoted as ever.  What I mean by this is that we (Americans) hate just as readily now as before, just that the target is different.  Islam seems to be the preferred target.  Though I am not a proponent for Islam, I feel that they deserve the same religious tolerance I get from our Constitution.  If you dive into the meat of Islam, you will find that they too abhor the type of violence we are seeing in the world.  Religious extremism should be our target, not Islam.  I am sure that if you have not been hiding under a rock, the Westboro Baptist Church ( will have been noticed.  They are just as extreme as any of the radical Islamic people out there.  Their message is just as poisonous to American culture.  Though I do NOT agree with their message, I declare that they too have a right to exist.  Why, do you ask?  Because our Constitution guarantees religious freedom and freedom of expression.  If they were not allowed to exist, our Constitution will have failed us and we may as well draw up the world around us and become as corrupt as the same zealous religions we are hating.  Again, I do NOT agree with their message.
In this light, I come across the article in USA Today about Tamerlan Tsarnaev being denied burial.  I agree that he participated in a heinous crime against humanity, but he is dead now.  He paid the ultimate price for his treachery.  Why are people denying him the right to burial?  Because he committed a crime??  What about Bundy, Dahmer, or the other myriad of murderers that have died (or been executed) over the years?   What gives them the right to be buried and not Tamerlan?  Because he is Islamic, that's why.
Since September 11, 2001, the world has been bombarded with anti-Islamic tainted news stories designed to keep fear and loathing alive.  Everyday I see news stories about Al Qaeda and radicalized Islamic insurgency--11 Americans Die, 4 Americans Die, etc...Never do we hear about the peaceful Islamic people fighting against the radical ones.  Do not think for a second that I am pro-Islam, I am not, but nor am I anti-Islam.  I am pro-peace, and pro-coexistence.  The United States was built on cultural diversity and differences.  As long as we perpetuate this negative view of cultural difference, we will fail to be all the USA was meant to be. 
In conclusion, I would like to close with a quote from one of the most famous American Patriots, Ben Franklin.  "Those who would sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither."  Despite the actual meaning of the quote being obscure, I feel that it brings home an important point.  The USA was built on freedoms...if we continue to give them away in the name of security, then we deserve what we get.  The USA PATRIOT Act of 2001, in my opinion, was the biggest breach of liberty ever experienced in the US.  It continues to illicit fear and hatred of different cultures in the name of security.