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Tuesday, September 20, 2016

kneeling/sitting and the national anthem

I have been avoiding posting here with the political climate being what it is, but on this issue I feel I need to say something. You see I have said it before and I will say it again, I believe in the Constitution...the whole Constitution and not just the parts that make me comfortable.  Again the First amendment has come to the forefront of all the hoopla surrounding athletes sitting, standing, or kneeling during the national anthem.  As I see it, the first amendment gives everyone the right to express his or her opinion on whatever it is that moves them.  In this case, the act of kneeling etc. is not to disrespect anything but rather to express the need to have meaningful conversation on the topic of racial equality.  Being an openly gay man, I understand being treated less than because of a trait that cannot change (save the nature vs. nurture argument for another post please).  The point is that there are people being disrespected every day based on the color of their skin or their religion.  This needs to stop.  The only way these celebrity athletes can get their point into the light where it can be looked at and discussed is by taking a knee during what is unquestionably one of the most patriotic events in any sports venue.  And so far it has worked, but at what cost?  Many of them have lost endorsement deals and garnered unwarranted punishment for expressing a right. 

I know that many of you feel that there are other ways to bring the issue to the forefront, but thus far using the "proper" way has done nothing to fix the problem.  Sometimes it takes a brave individual to put his livelihood on the line to say enough is enough.  Let's instead of focusing on the men "disrespecting their country" or "being unpatriotic", focus on the problem of inequality in the USA.  It is not really about just racial inequality, though that is what started the discussion.  All manner of inequality exists and needs to be corrected.  From Muslim hate crimes all the way to unarmed blacks getting killed by police to gay all needs to stop. 

The US Constitution guarantees ALL men the rights expressed therein.  It does not say only white, Christian, patriotic, and straight Americans are protected, but everyone.  The US was built on the principle of acceptance and diversity.  We have come a long way in the last 100 years, but we still have miles to go until all men (women too!) can walk out of their homes and not feel like they will be shot, stabbed, harassed, or injured because they believe in or walk a different path than what you think is right.  We are a mixed up box of crayons that color in many different races, religions, sexual identity, orientation, and ethnic backgrounds.  Our diversity is what makes us the greatest nation ever created and is our greatest strength. 

Blessed be brothers and sisters!  We are all in this together...

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