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Wednesday, June 22, 2016


Today there is a presence in my life that I cannot describe.  It almost feels like a strong expectation of something...but not even remotely defined.  Like I am waiting for an event to happen or to not happen as it were.  I feel the event is not going to be life altering, but it will affect how I feel.  There is a pressure.  A sort of heaviness to the world. I feel like I am carrying weight, but I cannot see it.  For days now, I have felt off.  Not really good, not really bad...just kind of meh.  I feel like nothing is important right now.  Stuff I should be engaged with, I cannot.  I could just as easily sleep as watch TV or read a book.  I feel undefined.  Pliable and moldable, but only to the extent I allow.  I am content, but on edge.  The term pregnant silence has form today.  It is as if there is a bubble floating around...and I am watching and waiting for it to land on something or pop.  I think it could be related to the conjunction of the Solstice and a full moon.  Again though, there is no evidence of anything awry.  Just feelings and expectation...I feel anxious about something I cannot see.  I feel expectation and anticipation, yet I see nothing impending...nothing in the horizon...but there is something. 

Those who know me, know that I am sensitive.  I feel things that most people cannot.  I sense things.  I can usually walk into a room and feel the energy of the space.  I can tell where there is something happening.  Today, I feel like the world is that room.  I can sense something preparing to come to pass.  I feel like it will be important, but not detrimental to life.  Time of course will tell what it is/was and vindicate my feelings.  Until then, I remain ambivalent and uncommitted.  As I commit these words to the aether, I cast my fortune into the void.  Let the future come as it will.  I will survive it.


Unknown said...

Hey Christopher, I really enjoy reading these. It's good to know what's going on in your world. I think of you often, and I wish I could talk to you in person, but I'm glad to be able to read updates from you, both the highs and the lows. I appreciate how transparent and genuine you are. Never lose those qualities. And I just know that if you hang in there you will receive clarity.

All the best,


Christopher Rei said...

Thank you Travis...I really appreciate that you read these...