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Saturday, October 26, 2013

Temporal Dissonance and Me

I have recently discovered a new term that describes the way I feel.  That term is temporal dissonance.  There are hundreds of pages out there describing what the acceptable meaning is and indeed it fits me as well, though my use of the term is different.  The accepted definition of temporal dissonance is a complex mish-mash of things like being a second shifter working in a first shift world.  My definition is quite different.  I feel sometimes that either I was born too early or I was born too late.  I am not speaking of time as in o’clock time, but rather time as in decade or century.  You see, I am a true hybrid person.  I remember the time before cable, satellite, and internet quite well, and at the same time am a technocrat.  I would be just as comfortable in a time where modern conveniences and technology did not exist as we know it as I would be in the Star Trek universe where knowledge is the main focus of life and the pursuit of the dollar is not. 

Please do not mistake me.  I am ok where I am (as if I have a choice in the matter anyway), but would feel more comfortable either one way or the other.  I enjoy reading a book, writing a poem, or creating a new idea or concept.  Today is not about that.  Today is about accumulating as much stuff and money as you can, as fast as you can in order to die comfortably worn out.  Society has developed into a race against the Joneses in who can have the bigger house, nicer car, and more affluent family.  Gone is the time when a neighbor would check on you to see if you are ok or if you need anything.  Gone are the days when a community would pull together to help the neighbor down the road build a barn to house the horses or dig a well so that Mrs. Whoever does not have to tote it from the river.  I think that people were nicer back then…more concerned for the welfare of their fellow man. 

The only incongruency I can think of is the misogynistic bigotry that existed in that time.  I truly believe that gay is normal and that skin color is only a characteristic like blue or green eyes.  In that sense, the Star Trek world is nearly perfect.  I fear that for us to get there, we will have to have a major disaster that will render the world dependant on each other to survive.  Humanity is adaptable and will eventually get there, though I fear I will be too old to appreciate it.  That is the crux of the issue.  I would love to live in a world where the only requirement to be with the one you love is to declare it.  The world is getting there in that respect (all except the Arab world—I doubt they will ever accept homosexuality or mixing of the races). 

Temporal dissonance for me is a minimal problem that will in time become moot.  I will endure in my half in the past, half in the future attitude and continue to embrace the creativity and energy of the past and the technological breakthroughs of the future.  I choose to not embrace the rat race and will not engage myself in the pursuit of luxury for luxury sake.  I choose instead to write and be creatively engaged in my evolution.  I am who I am and can be nobody else.  I will not try to be who I am not. 

1 comment:

slipkid said...

Thank you Sir
What you wrote there is exactly how I feel but could never hope to put into words so eloquently