There are some times when I lay down to go to sleep because I am just beat only to lay there and stare at the ceiling for an hour, sometimes more. I wonder sometimes if it is because my body is just too tired to sleep or if it is because my brain won’t shut up. There are many times that I get my best story or poetry ideas at that time of the night. Often I am too tired (or lazy) to climb out of the bed to write it down. I wonder how many potential best-sellers I have dreamed away. There are sometimes that the story idea gets so embedded into my conscious that I can’t help but remember it in the morning and when it does, I usually come up with a brilliant poem or interesting story—but alas the majority of the time it is not the case. I am finding that this is becoming more the norm for me, the more the years pass. I am not ancient (well I guess according to some people I may seem that way) by any stretch, though the more I age the more I am reminded of that time not too long ago when my own parents went through the same thing. The good news is that I know eventually I will get to the point where I won’t have any trouble sleeping—anytime, whether it is bed time or not. I listen to my mom talk sometimes about how tired she is and I have no doubt that she is as tired as she says. So that is what we all have to look forward to—sitting in front of the TV letting it watch us sleep while we pass into the ether just at the pivotal moment in the show. Hehe, growing old sucks—but it beats the alternative.
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